Redexim Verti-Drain

Commercial Aerators For Turf Maintenance

Many factors affect the type of aeration machine you will need, including your soil type, soil condition, grass type and more. Our team can help you find the Verti-Drain that best fits your needs, with aerification depths ranging from 6 to 16 inches.

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Fast and Efficient Turf Aerification

Owning your Verti-Drain offers you freedom as a contractor or turf manager. If you have to rent your equipment, you are tied to someone else’s schedule and rates.

When you own your equipment, you see an increased return on investment across the board, including:


When you own your equipment, you work on your schedule, not someone else’s.


Owning means you no longer have to rent your equipment, which would previously cut into your profit.

Soil Quality

Aerating your soil improves the quality each time you do it; owning your equipment gives you freedom to aerate your soil as often as you’d like, giving you soil that is better aerated, better fertilized and gives you a better product.

Emergency Response

When you have a problem with your turf or field, you don’t have to wait on someone else to find a solution—you are your emergency response team!

Different Depths Aerations

Verti-Drain® 1513

Verti-Drain® 1513

The lightweight Verti-Drain® 1513 can work to a depth of 6” / 150 mm and is well suited to sensitive turf surfaces. The belt driven machine operates a high speed while giving a neat and consistent hole pattern. An optional rear roller can be added to smooth the surface and leave a neat finish.



The unique Carrier is a multi-function tool carrier, designed to work with a variety of implements such as 1513 Verti-Drain, seeders, verti-cutter and many more implements. The 31HP engine and hydrostatic transmission makes the Carrier easy to operate while maintaining a high work output.

Verti-Drain® 1517

Verti-Drain® 1517

The lightweight Verti-Drain® 1517 can work to a depth of 6” / 150 mm and is well suited to sensitive turf surfaces. The belt driven machine operates a high speed while giving a neat and consistent hole pattern. An optional rear roller can be added to smooth the surface and leave a neat finish.

Verti-Drain® 2519

Verti-Drain® 2519

The all-new 2519 Verti-Drain® combines robustness with versatility. This high-speed model can achieve a maximum working depth of 10”/250 mm with a range of tines, while offering unrivalled productivity; this makes the 2519 the obvious choice for applications where agility and productivity are key.

Verti-Drain® 2216

Verti-Drain® 2216

The robust Verti-Drain® 2216 is a high-speed unit, capable of handling a 24 mm / 1” diameter tine and working to depths of 22cm / 9”. Thanks to its heavy-duty construction, the 2216 is ideal for a range of creation applications where durability and speed is key.

Verti-Drain® 7212

Verti-Drain® 7212

The Verti-Drain® 7212 is well suited to lower HP tractors, this very capable model for aeration to a depth of 10” /25cm on the more sensitive turf areas. The 7212 is particularly popular on hard to reach areas due to its overall dimensions while maintaining all the features of larger Verti-Drains.

Who We Work With

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Golf Course Management

Efficiently aerate your soil to promote healthy root growth and enhance soil drainage, improving your turf quality and overall playing conditions.
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Sports Field Management

Maintain a high-quality playing surface that can withstand heavy use, minimize injuries, and meet the demands of both athletes and spectators.
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Commercial Property Management

Enhance property value, improve tenant satisfaction and promote sustainability, while reducing long-term maintenance costs.
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Parks & Recreation

Improve turf care, overall aesthetics, safety, and usability of public parks, sports fields and green spaces.
Icon - Farm

Farm & Agricultural

Improved soil fertility and reduced irrigation needs result in increased crop yields, higher profitability and increased sustainability.
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Gardening & Horticulture

Enhanced soil aeration leads to healthier plant growth, improved soil structure, and reduced risk of disease.
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Landscaping & Hardscaping

Achieve better results, increase efficiency, and implement sustainable practices to enhance customer satisfaction and profitability.
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Environmental Remediation

Support vegetation growth, reduce chemical inputs, and facilitate habitat restoration.

Verti-Drain: The Original Deep Tine Aerator

Depending on your industry, you may understand the importance of a commercial aerator without understanding what it actually does for your soil, your turf and more.

Verti-Drain commercial aerators use spikes, tines and tiny blades to create holes and channels in the soil to allow for better water drainage and nutrient absorption by plant roots. The benefits of regularly aerating your soil with a commercial aerator include improved soil aeration, reduced compaction, enhanced nutrient uptake and increased water infiltration in your soil.

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